Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Making and Breaking Resolutions

Every year, billions of people create a list of things that they would try to do or change when it's time to welcome the New Year. The list is called a "New Year's Resolution".

According to Wikipedia, "New Year's resolution is a secular tradition, most common in the Western Hemisphere but also found in the Eastern Hemisphere, in which a person makes a promise to do an act of self-improvement or something slightly nice, such as opening doors for people beginning from New Year's Day."

For me, it's some sort of a guide of the things that you need to better yourself. A list that you can check every now and then that will keep you focused on your goal for the year. I think that it would be more effective when you would write it down in a piece of paper that you can keep in your wallet or post on your bedroom wall.

The only problem with resolutions is that they are hard to keep. You need an enormous will-power, determination and perseverance (cliche) for you to follow the list. You'll just end up breaking them. So why bother making them?

Here are some reasons that I can think of:

1.) You, at least, made an effort of trying to better yourself.

May it be living a healthier lifestyle, quitting smoking, drinking less, and the like.

2.) Making resolutions is FREE

Yeah, you don't have to spend a single penny just to do it. 

3.) It's a list of some, if not all, things that you want to experience for the whole year...

...that you didn't do last year and the year before last year. It's just like a to-do list.

But, you know, whether you make or break your New Year's Resos is all up to you.  I guess you have to think realistically before creating them because honestly, it's kinda frustrating if you won't keep any of it.

So, what's my New Year's Resolution this year?

I think I'm going to pass and just go with the flow. ^_^

How about you, bitches?

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Happy New Year!

Wishing you all a great 2014! 

May all (or some) of your dreams and aspirations come true this year.

Let's claim that this is going to be the year that we will get through our financial, emotional, spiritual and physical struggles.

Let us continue to live and love life!

Love lots,
